Your higher self is who you truly are behind all the conditioning, all the programming and the noise of the eternal world.
You know this moment when you see a newborn baby, or you witness the magical beauty of a scene in nature, or simply those moments when you feel like you see clearly, and everything seems beautiful and magical, and life makes sense and you are just so in love with yourself and with life, this is your higher self taking over for a split of second.
Imagine living from this state of being every single day!!! Wow what a life!! right??
I mean I can only imagine because I too still don’t live from my higher self all the time. But now I do live from my higher self most of the time and that’s because of the steps that I will share with you today.
But before we dive into this, let me tell you more about your higher self. Your higher self is the part in you that is divine, the part that is connected to source, universe, God, or higher power (feel free to use the word that resonates the most).
Your higher-self lives in the silence deep within yourself and that is why you can mostly feel her when you pray, or in meditation, or when you are in nature or in a deep state of contemplation.
She is who you have always been before life happened and before you were told who you are “supposed to be”. She is your truth and that is why she is always radiating through you in every moment of trust, in every moment of pure love, or wild creativity, or deep forgiveness, or unconditional compassion.
Your higher self is pure, she is so powerful, she is clear, and she knows who she is and why she is here.
She lives and resides in the heart, and she operates from the heart, she thinks through energy, and she acts on intuition. (Every time you say I have a gut feeling that this is not right, something is telling me to end this relationship, or I really shouldn’t eat that)
This list can go on but now you have an idea of how important and life-changing this is.
Peace & Love,
Sara xx
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