by Samar Bishouti / A free soul Hi my name is Samar I am human who has a free soul that loves freedom and life, a passionate dreamer, yet…
by Samar Bishouti / A free soul Hi my name is Samar I am human who has a free soul that loves freedom and life, a passionate dreamer, yet…
I had a dream since the beginning of my coaching practice and my dream was to build a community of like-minded woman (a tribe of women…
I had a dream since the beginning of my coaching practice and my dream was to build a community of like-minded woman (a tribe of women…
Your thoughts become your beliefs your beliefs become your inner story and your inner story becomes your life. The human mind is like a…
A subject that makes people freeze, an obligation that we all have to have!!! What is my purpose? This question might be the one question…
#Affirmations comes from the words affirm which means: “to show or express a strong belief in or dedication to” – Merriam Webster…
#Nature An innate wisdom that is in everything and everyone. The drop of rain with all the minerals, the soil waiting for the minerals in…
Emptiness… silence… everything around me in slow motion Life feels like it’s on pause, people hiding like polar bears in hibernation, or…
I AM ENOUGH We hear this a lot but what does this truly mean? This is more than just a sentence it’s a deep routed belief, it’s a…
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