What does intuition mean?
It’s a feeling, a hunch, a bodily sensation, an inner calling that tells you what you need, how you need it, and when you need it. It’s living life according to YOU... not your conditioned programmed self, but your true self, your heart, your inner wisdom, the part in you that knows.
Intuitive living is living your life from the inside out.
It’s getting back in the driver seat of your own life. It’s doing life your own way listening to you heart every step of the journey. And if it gets blurry, you PAUSE and you listen again, if it stays blurry you ask assertively from yourself again while holding a space of trust in your heart that your intuition will answer… trust that you know.
You’ll find your answers in the silence
But to listen you need to be quiet, quiet internally. You need to step away from external noise, away from thoughts and allow the space behind your thoughts to speak up.
So, let’s talk about how you can start your journey to living intuitively. How do you connect to your intuition?
Your heart knows more than your mind, the mind is limited to the conditioning it was exposed to. The intuition comes from the universal mind, divine wisdom, the source of all knowledge. It exists and our job is to see it, trust it and live it.
“Following your intuition is awakening to a whole new way of being, where you are no longer following but you are leading yourself though your journey.” –Sara
Peace & Love,
Sara xx
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.