In every moment we are experiencing the emotions of our thoughts. Thinking that anything external can affect how we feel is an illusion, an escape… not necessarily to give up but to escape self-responsibility. To say: there’s nothing I can do about it. And the thing is with this belief comes an unconscious choice of shredding ourselves of power, of jumping out of the driver seat of our own life and allowing our circumstances and thoughts about our circumstances to take over.
I personally don’t like this feeling, it doesn’t sit well with me, it makes me shrink myself, it makes me small and dis-empowered.
But let’s be honest, stepping back int he driver seat in not easy… But, it’s also our duty to ourselves, to be the leaders of our own lives. To connect to our hearts, to our higher-selves, to speak up, to own our path and to take power over our own process of thinking.
We can’t stop our thoughts but we can always choose to re-direct them! To do that all we need is awareness in the moment of what we are thinking… noticing the flow of thoughts as a river and simply digging a new path for the water.
It’s time to say enough! to step back into our own power, to choose ourselves, the version of us that feels warm, powerful, trusting, knowing.
With her it feels like the universe is on our side, with her it’s easy to believe in ourselves, life looks simpler, and we start seeing things more clearly.
Repeat after me:
I am aware of my thoughts and I choose to re-direct them to what feels good in the moment
I trust in my heart and it’s calling
I believe in my higher-self… I am her and she is me
I step in the driver seat of my life and take ownership over my own path
Peace & Love,
Sara xx
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.