The human mind is like a generator that never stops turning. Thought after thought after thought it goes. These thoughts usually originate from what we know (the thoughts in the mind always come from the KNOWN):
How we were raised, our culture, society, experiences we went through or things we’ve learned in books or videos. Some of the thoughts we learn from these things we forget and some we hold onto so tight and believe to be true.
Once we do that, we formulate a #belief;
but then what happens?
The accumulation of all of these beliefs makes up our life story and this becomes the tape we play to ourselves day in and day out. This tape includes our thoughts about everything (and I literally mean everything!!!!) from relationships, to money, to success, to family all the way to who we are.
Our beliefs become the perspective through which we see ourselves and our lives. It’s like a pair of glasses that we wear all the time, if the lens is red then everything is red, if the lens is green then everything is green.
Our beliefs if gone unnoticed can have the power to control our lives. We can wish for red all the time and still see only green and then think to ourselves, man why is my luck so bad and why is my life so bad?
Well, let me tell you a little something here, and I’m going to be pretty honest with you.
And I carefully pick the word CHOOSING because you dear friend have the power, the power to change the tape playing in your head and start telling yourself a new story.
Yes, this means you can actually control your thoughts… how awesome is that?!
How can you control more than 60,000 thoughts a day?
Simply by staying #mindful, by noticing your thoughts. #Thoughtawareness is the first step to disconnecting yourself from your thoughts and disconnecting yourself from your thoughts gives you your power back and then your an use your power to change your story, to upgrade your beliefs and to focus on better quality thoughts.
Notice how you think and what you repeat to yourself in your head every single day. Three great practices to do that is #meditation, #journaling and noticing the #words that come out of your mouth… What you say out loud is usually a reflection of what you’re thinking of on the inside.
Whenever you notice a #thought, ask yourself these three questions:
Asking if it’s true breaks the belief because it’s no longer the ultimate truth which means it can be changed.
Asking if it’s necessary takes away from the importance of the thought and allows you to shift focus.
Asking if its kind makes you see clearly whether the thought is actually making you feel better or worse about yourself or others and hence choose to change it or keep it.
Once you check and evaluate a thought you can choose to change it. (OH YES YOU CAN DO THAT!) Ask yourself, what thought feels more TRUE for me right now?
Once you’ve upgraded the thought repeat it to yourself religiously. (get yourself a new tape!)
The way to reprogram an old belief is by introducing a new upgraded belief and then putting all your effort and focus on repeating this to yourself every day until it becomes your new truth.
Click here to get my free journaling guide, this will help you build awareness and stay focused on that which serves you and empowers you… enjoy!
Peace & Love,
Sara xx
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.