Know your truth, who you really are. This is your ultimate power. The way you find your truth is by following what feels good to you, what you are naturally good at. To trust in yourself and to always be a student of life. To stay open to receive the signs that come your way and to always be aware of your own path so you can let life teach you what it’s meant to teach you.
Nothing in this life is a coincidence and you are always exactly where you need to be, and you will stay there in the same situation or keep repeating similar ones until you learn your lesson. With every lesson you will move closer and closer to your truth, your truth that is already within you right now. It’s not a destination to seek, and it’s not in anything external it’s a journey of coming back home to yourself, to your own inner truth.
Like Joseph Campbell said: follow your bliss, and like Abraham hicks said: if it feels good then it is good.
This is the path back home to yourself, to listen to your own inner wisdom, the voice of truth within that is always guiding your way. That voice that says: I enjoy cooking, or I would really love to take a course in painting, or it would really feel great if I can learn to love myself. You are always being guided back to your truth one message at a time. Don’t ignore these urges, hunches or messages, this is your intuition giving you a direction to follow… YOUR direction.
Listen to it and act on it today, and if it felt scary or hard it’s okay, it’s just you shedding old layers of protection and stepping into a new territory, a space to be explored. And isn’t this life? To explore yourself and your potential? To live your own truth? To release old and unwanted layers of conditioning that no longer serve you.
Don’t let fear or doubt stop you from coming home to yourself. Water the seed of faith by showing up, by listening to your intuition and by taking action and moving towards what you want and desire.
You deserve to give this to yourself…. And YOU CAN.
Repeat this after me:
I am ready to come home to myself
Peace & love,
Sara xx
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.
1 Comment
Good luck!