I had a dream since the beginning of my coaching practice and my dream was to build a community of like-minded woman (a tribe of women you might say!) with the soul purpose of supporting each other, helping each other, and seeing each other fully as we are.
I always knew there was so much power in women coming together in one place for one purpose.
I kept this dream at heart always knowing that it’s time would come. And after more than four years of doing this work and specific ally in 2020 “قلب” which means heart in Arabic was established.
The reason I call it “قلب” is because it came from my heart and I wanted it to touch the heart of every woman who joins. I also wanted the women to be there fully from their heart and show their truest and most authentic selves in this space. (their heart selves)
Today I want to give all the women in “قلب” a platform to share their voice, their thoughts, and their journeys with you and this is why I am starting “THE COMMUNITY”- a section in my blog page that will be theirs and theirs alone, a space for their voice to be shared with all of you.
Everything they will share will come from their hearts to yours.
Enjoy our first share <3
Peace & Love,
Sara xx
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.