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I can see clearly now. I approach the end of this year with a sense of clarity. And for me this comes a little bit as a shock! Because after the year that I’ve had, if someone told me I would end this year feeling clear I would’ve said: YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!
Here I am in my living room writing this feeling pretty clear about a lot of things. 2021 for me was a turning point in my life. And I’m not going to say things here like: every adversity is a blessing in disguise because that’s not always true.
For me there is a huge difference between just saying something and knowing something and I think that’s where my sense of clarity is coming from. From my own inner knowing. The sixth sense never considered as a real sense, but merely as a supernatural phenomenon that shows up in movies.
This inner knowing was a surface that I started scratching almost six years ago. And this year through a lot of difficult moments this sense was sharpened and rooted into more than a supernatural power but a fact that I now live by; a deep strong belief that I hold within my body.
My sense of clarity comes from all the practices and teachings that helped me stay connected to my inner knowing. Everything I usually preach about to my clients and my followers. The self-love, self-development, spiritual, self-growth principals, tools, and rules that I am just so obsessed with. (“the teachings”).
I am writing this as I lay on the couch in my home at the end of this year and the many ups and downs, I had through it, recovering from the worst flu I have ever had in the 32 years I was alive! And when I say bad, oh it’s so bad. It’s I can’t use my voice bad, fever at almost 40 degrees for four days in a row bad, every bone in my body hurts bad, and cannot eat but soup and hummus bad. (and I’m a huge foodie and that’s where I draw the line!)
And through all of that the teachings are still as powerful as ever, holding a flashlight for me to always find my way back to my inner center. That’s the thing about the teachings, once you choose to believe in them, they have a way of showing up in all places, at all times, even when you’re under the covers shivering!!
What I learned this year was that there are two levels for practicing the teachings:
I learn about them, I understand them, they feel good on the good days but once the hard days come, I RUN looking for answers anywhere and everywhere else but within myself (never putting the teachings to real use)
Been there, done that… guilty as charged!!
I don’t understand the teachings, I am the teachings, I KNOW THEM. It’s like knowing that water boils at 100 degrees, it’s a fact that you can always rely on. With this knowing, regardless of what happens on the outside, even if it’s freakin snowing, I KNOW that water will boil when it reaches a 100 degrees, it’s none negotiable.
This is when the teachings become a knowing. When you believe with all your heart that the teachings work on the good days and on the not so good days.
On my hardest of days this year, gratitude was always there for me to remind me that there was still good around. And on some of my best days, mindfulness was there to take my joy and multiply it by ten.
Awareness of my emotions helped me understand how and why I was feeling the way I do. And my valuesalways gave me an anchor to bring me back to myself.
My feminine energy allowed me to rest and come up with ideas even when I didn’t feel inspired. And my masculine energy helped me get things done when I didn’t feel like doing anything.
My meditation is and always will be my silent lover, the gate to my soul, the safe space that holds all of me. And my journal (the one I am writing this on before typing it on a screen) is my on paper healer always having the answers I am looking for.
My yoga practice was and still is my way of grounding and connecting back to my body and my vision for myself always cheered me forward.
Noticing my thoughts rescued me from the edge of my shadow more than once, and my power of choice gave me back my power when I felt like I lost it.
Staying connected to who I am was the faith I needed when self-doubt was loud. And acting from the heart was the courage I needed when I was scared.
These teachings are not just teachings they are my guides, my support system and my north star always guiding me back to my alignment, to my balance. With them I am never lost and with them I am never alone.
This is where my clarity today comes from. From the knowing that throughout this entire year and the lifetime to come, these teachings will always be there to carry me back to my alignment one small practice at time.
I am here to be the physical embodiment of those teachings and to be God’s messenger and vessel to keep sharing these teachings with you in the hope that you too will have your own internal support system to guide you through it all.
I didn’t want this end of year piece to be about goals and next, next, next! I wanted it to be about now, about who you are today, what you’ve learned, and how you feel. So, you can ground within yourself and take this sense of being YOU with you into the next year, knowing that you too have the teachings to always have your back.
If I have the power to choose (which I do, and you do too…ALWAYS!), why not choose all the beautiful things that make our heart sing.
Happy new year this year and every year!
© 2022 sara abiqwa. developed by yotta solutions.